Ruckit develops software for the construction industry particularly for material producers and trucking companies. Ruckit's flagship mobile application is developed for truck drivers who use it to receive and track a days work. In addition to the driver application potential and current customers desired a solution geared to the needs of job site managers. Construction job site managers are primarily responsible for ensuring job sites receive enough material deliveries in an appropriate timeframe. Ruckit lacked a product that would fulfill the essential demands of job site managers. To fill this hole in Ruckit's product line we launched the Ruckit Field application project with the intended goal to create an experience tailored for job site managers allowing them to achieve daily objectives while on the go.
A hamburger menu is used for navigation of the field app. Project managers may have certain markets they are responsible for, included in the nav menu is a filter option to control which projects are shown throughout the app.
Workspace displays charts and graphs which provide project managers quick summaries of progress on projects. Filters allow for project managers to only view projects that they are concerned about.
Dashboard displays by the day listing of projects along with a bite summary of each projects' progress. Searching and filtering of projects enables the project manager to drill down the list for easy consumption of information. Actions such as add day and update job status are available for each project.
Daily Board displays a more informational view of projects by the day. Actions that are available on the Dashboard are also available on the Daily Board. Changing the status of a job in order to alert dispatch or drivers and updating the details of the job for the day are some of the actions a project manager can perform. When updating job day details a recommended plan is presented to managers giving them valuable insights in creating a plan that achieves what they are wanting.
Dispatch allows project managers to view trucks that have been assigned to projects. Project managers typically are not involved in the dispatching of trucks. We included the ability for project mangers to edit dispatches as they may have certain information that the dispatch office don't have and this could help improve delivery efficiency.
Order Summary displays a more in depth summary of progress on a particular project. Project managers have visibility of the next truck to site, trucks enroute, truck location on a map etc. A listing of tickets that have been created for the project is displayed in reverse chronological order. Project managers can accept or reject a load delivery by tapping on a ticket.
End of Day Report incorporates a process done by project managers where they review tickets for each project at the end of the work day. Project managers can accept or reject and leave notes on tickets before confirming each ticket has been reviewed. 
Printable How To Guides For Ruckit Field App
Printable how to guides were created for the Ruckit Field app to assist with user onboarding and training.
Daily Board How To Guide
Order Summary User Guide
Dispatch How To Guide 
Tickets User Guide
My Involvement & Contribution
The team allocated to the Ruckit Field app project consisted of one front end developer, one project manager, two back end developers, three members of the customer success team and a designer. As the designer on the project I collaborated with the project manager and customer success team to determine feature requirements and gather customer requests. I then worked with developers to get an understanding of what can be done within the timeframe set my the project manager. Once my first version mockups were completed I gathered feedback from the customer success team and made necessary revisions. With revisions completed and team approval received I worked with the customer success team to get feedback from customers. Using Zeplin I handed off designs to development team once customers’ feedback were included in designs. I QA tested and gave implementation feedback to developers once code was pushed to the development environment. To prepare for release I collaborated with the customer success team, project manager and development to create app store assets and printable app guides to assist with user training.
Links to Ruckit Field App Download page in App Stores & Ruckit Website

Apple App Store

Google Play

Ruckit Website

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